Talking about hunger games...

Guess who got the tickets to hunger games, to myself and my soulmate?!
YES, me!

Bought them two hours ago after they got realesed and I was the fifth that bought the tickets.

Torsdag 22/3, kl 18:00 Filmstaden Kista salong 3. Parkett, Rad 6, Plats 95-96
On thursday 22/3, 6:00 PM, Filmstaden Kista Salong 3. Parkett, line 6, seats 95-96.
Where ME and my dear best friend Sara sitt and watch the movie of the best trilogy, whom
hopefully could be the worlds best movie. And just because I'm a little better then everyone else,
we can see it one day before everyone. Awww yea!. I'm so crazy overexcited but I try to stay away from
a smashing-keyboard mode. And of course it's quite neeat cause it was a while ago I saw Sara in real life.
And that's always the best.

I'll have my camera with me so you can see alot of nice pictures~


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