Om det blir någe bra att blogga med mobilen så kanske man kan börja med det lite simpelt. Lätt och alltid bilder tillgängliga. Vet dock inte hur snygga inläggen blir... Ohwell, I can give it a try :3


Do you guys know how to get a Pikachu into a bus?
You (Poke) him (on) ....

Really lame joke but works for the Pokémon intressted ones...
Like some of you know, both me and Melz like going to conventions~
And since Närcon is close, i've been thinking if I'll cosplay the cute character Hanekawa Tsubasa.
The only problem is that I can't find a good wig that's long enough, like hers. All wigs that's long
are stopping right before the elbows... but her hair is super long O_O...
And here's a picture of Hanekawa Tsubasa, from the anime Bakemonogatari.

I even learned the tounge-twister to get in to the character as much as possible.

For those whom would like to learn it too, lyrics:

Nyanyame nyanyajuu-nyanya-do no nyarabide naykunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame

If i decide to make the cosplay, I'll sew it all by myself and join the cosplay competition,
so if you got tip on lenses, cat ears and a wig ... comment!


This Springbreak!

Guys, this has been the best spring break EVER. ever. It has been so wonderful.
I've met Dani and Ted, chilled with Robin and Mattias. And William has been here in Märsta
with us. You've seen some pictures but it has been so fun, everyone! 
When we played games, when we had chinese food and when we talked.
And yesterday I was in Kista with Tina, Michaela and Lisa, it was super fun. We had alot of food
and dellicious ice cream, we talked alot and tried on dresses. (even if I didn't buy anything, it was still fun!)

Today I'll probably go home to William and in the weekend we'll go to Fyrishov and bath!
Haven't told you guys that I got a new cosplay on it's way. Randomly bought a wig for it
and as soon as it has arrived I'll try to get fabric to start sewing it! ~
I got many cosplays in-mind and I'm so exicted on all of them!

Well, now I'll go and make myself some dinner. I'll see if I got some pictures til sunday that I can show you guys. But I'm way to slow on bloggin, sigh.

(slow entry, written two or three days ago cause Melz is way to slow with translating things so her lovely friend Dani does it, geez! XD)

Sharing a photo-explosion with you guys from my spring break!

Sharing a soft photo-explotion on the spring break and I'll let you guys
imagine what it is about!,

~ Enjoy!

Melz is soo cute<3

Happy Dani :3

I hope your breaks were enjoyable!

Dani's weekend!

This week was spent with candy, sushi and a cute Dijana!

Oh hello thur!, this weekend has been spent with a friend I've known for a really long time
throught the internet, but we've never met til now!. I've known here a bit more then
6 years, but we never got the chance to meet up even though she only lives 2 hours
away from me with car haha!. It was really cosy, we had alot of chocolate,
and we had an anime weekend, where we saw Spirited away, Howl's moving castle, Totoro and
Pokémon. A successful weekend if I can say it myself, Dijana didn't like sushi though, but
since it was take-away I got even more sushi!
Happy Dani :3
Continue with having a great Sunday, I'll cuddle up in my couch and watch a movie, bai bai  ♥

Instagram weekend-pictures:

Tomorow it's time for Hunger Games!

Jay Park- Girlfriend MV

Sharing some nice K-pop ;]

Emperor out

I still have alot of things I want to blog about, oh!.
But I'll wait til tomorow and I hope you have liked this spam of posts I've given you today,
so you know I'm still alive.
Companion Cube Hug

Now I'll drink some Pucko and eat some chocolate dipped strawberrys.
A good start on a good week.

Talking about hunger games...

Guess who got the tickets to hunger games, to myself and my soulmate?!
YES, me!

Bought them two hours ago after they got realesed and I was the fifth that bought the tickets.

Torsdag 22/3, kl 18:00 Filmstaden Kista salong 3. Parkett, Rad 6, Plats 95-96
On thursday 22/3, 6:00 PM, Filmstaden Kista Salong 3. Parkett, line 6, seats 95-96.
Where ME and my dear best friend Sara sitt and watch the movie of the best trilogy, whom
hopefully could be the worlds best movie. And just because I'm a little better then everyone else,
we can see it one day before everyone. Awww yea!. I'm so crazy overexcited but I try to stay away from
a smashing-keyboard mode. And of course it's quite neeat cause it was a while ago I saw Sara in real life.
And that's always the best.

I'll have my camera with me so you can see alot of nice pictures~

Hunger games stuff I want to own, but I don't.

Hunger games. Oh, I love hunger games.
Ever since I've read the first book, I've waited for the others to get done and released.
And now there will be movies. And of course, there will be alot of nice merchandice that's related
to that. 

These are from Hottopic, and I feel like I wouldn't mind owning them :3

Click on the pictures to come to the products.

きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ & KanzentaiCell - PONPONPON

Throwing in some Pon Pon Pon. And the original of my favorite version of KanzentaiCell!


Now we won't sit here and be lazy.
Personally, I have been less on Skyrim to focus on school 
(cause I have promised Natasha that she can kick my xbox if I skip school. it works)
Anyway. I can't say that it has been happening to much on my side,
was on a little convention in Stockholm (ChillCon: 02) I've been dorking around there.

Today has just been a normal monday.
Little contacttime, some english class where we watch Love Actually at the moment, some sports,
and I managed to run in 26~ minutes and I'm really proud!. I wish for a gymcard as a birthday gift,
at Valsta cause I think SATS is so over-estimated here in Märsta. Works as good in Valsta for me,
where you can swim as well. Well well, it was fun and nice to run (except that I strained my leg unz)
Yes and I had some domestic science, where we had a Cooking-test. I worked with my beloved Michaela,
(super awkward since I always call her Serina by mistake...) And we got a stack of minced meat and alot
of other ingredients that we could do what ever we wanted to do. Everyone made totaly diffrent dishes.
We made hamburgers as a base, baked our own bread and fryed potatoes (like pommes) and some salad
together with that. It was really dellicious though it was to spicy for the weak little me. But it went good.

Gettin' a tattoo!

Oh hi there cuties!

I have had the thoughts about getting tattooed on my shoulder blade for some time now,
which is a quite personal tattoo as well as a good looking one!.
Some people think tattoos are ugly, some think they are amazing, and I'm one of those
whom think they are as pretty as they can get!. 

I want to tattoo a japanese text, along with 7 birds.
One bird for each family member, together with the text (zutto issho ni iyou = let's always be together).

I've done a litlte picture on photoshop, this is about how I want it to look:

What do you guys think?

Continnue with having a nice day, kisses!

The notebook.

The notebook

Mitt betyg; 5 av 5 möjliga.

A poor and passionate young man falls in love with a rich young
woman and gives her a sense of freedom.
They soon are separated by their social differences,
I can't tell you more about the move cause then I'll spoil everything!
mer om filmen kan jag inte berätta för då spoilar jag den helt :)

I thought the movie was really good, I though it would end like it did, but
it felt like they did build it up on a good way to make the drama be on the right place ;).
A movie I strongly recomend for people whom like intressting love movies♥

Chilling on a sunday ;]

Today it's all about getting done with some homework and cuddling
infront of a movie!

I was thinking about relaxing to the movie the notebook, while I'll eat
chocolate, alot of chocolate!. So unhealthy, but sometimes it's alright to
have chocolate as your best friend ;) .
Went to the store earlier, and saw new ben n' jerry's flavours,
I just had to take one of them and try out, I guess it's alright to indulge
yourself sometimes, isn't it?. Even if it showes on the outside, it makes my
inside a little bit happy!.

Time for some ego pics with sweets! Toodles!

Celebrating my big sis' 20's!

Oh Hiii thur ;)

Yesterday, my big sis' turned 20 years old, and tomorow my baby sis is turnin 11'
Which also means, 2 cakes. I'll either eat none of them, or go by what flavour mum
decides to bake tomorow :| today is like blueberry ... something weird, euw.

And I'm sick, but getting all better, have had a horrible cold-fever-week,
haven't produced anything good so far, it's sick! but I'll try to work harder now!
I've done my best, but my body just gave up, I tried getting up from bed (didn't get a single
hour of sleep) and I just collapsed back in bed, it's quite scary when I can't control
my own body due to fever n_n....
Well well, maybe some bday pictures will come up later, we're gonna see :]
Now I'll sit down and look at the drama Autumn's Concerto, that my friend
recomended to me :3 He got good music taste and movie-taste, so it's probably
super nice, I though I could share a good song from the drama, it's so beautiful *w*!

Kisses so far!, Glad I don't look to bad desu :3

The blog dying?

Is it a little dead here?, I think so!

Hi there, I haven't blogged for ages now, and I don't know how long
ago it was since I sadly enough don't read my own blog.
Anyway, I think I'll start blogging more, and If I'm not wrong Melz is still stuck in
her Skyrim world, I guess. But I feel like blogging!.

I've spent way to much time on games, but also on school, I had completly forgot
about the blogg! teehee ^___^

But today I won't blog that much, if I don't figure out something smart to say that
would be. So the blog will rest til tomorow! I hope you didn't get tired of reading it,
please be patient, we are quite busy haha! ;)
A picture of the cold Halmstad where I live..

Meanwhile celebrating my birthday...

Oh hello there!

Yeasterday, was the day I turned 18, which you probably did read, and
I did take some time to get myself an ID-card. haha!
Anyway, the day was celebrated together with friends and family, we had some meal,
sang and just chilled together, cosy!.
It was a wonderful day, I'm really satisfied and I'm greatful for all the congratulations
you guys sent away to me!, thanks. :)
Well, here you go... some pictures, and I'll let them talk for themselves.

Some close-up pics on my dress, front and back.

Why I'll be off THIS time.

Hello, fellow people of Tamriel. *too much skyrim*

I'll be off a bit this weekend because I have tons of things to do!
Tomorrow at 9.30 PM I'll be in a movie theatre with 13 other people to watch Star wars in 3D.
And on saturday I'm gonna go to Uppsala and just chill. And on sunday... 
well I guess I have time to blog then if I'm not too tired or get something better to do.

It feels great having things to do, but now I'm booked up every weekend until week 10.
(If I'm not all too wrong ofcourse)

Oh, and next friday to sunday It's time for another convention again!
This time it'll be WhateverCon in Uppsala.
Given that my payment didn't fail. I haven't been able to check since my computer
is refusing to give me acess to the hotmail webpage. Gah. I'll have to check on my minilaptop later.
And the weekend after that, we have a winter break.
And during that weekend I'll play some skyrim with a friend. It'll be a blast ^w^
But I really feel like I have to go to Proxxi sometime son. 
I'm starting to get a Proxxi-abstinence here ;_;

Ohwell, so now you know why I'll be gone this weekend!

Bday gal!

Hi cuties!

Today I'm 18! ;]

Finally, is the only thing I say to that, isn't this everything everyone wants?.
Now I'm able to do things without someone stopping me, and I'll take advantage of
that til its maximum!, haha it sounds awful but isn't that how it is?.

Sorry for being inactive with the blogging but I'm quite busy, and blogging
isn't the highest priority at the moment since school is in the way.
I'll try to blog active after the weekend, I can almost promise you guys that I'll
be active!.

Kisses for y'all, have a great time!.

Ps. Party like a cat, It's weekend soon! Ds.

Where is my Cure disease potion now?

Good mornning people. Melz have awakened from her inception.
It's freaky when you're on the verge of sleeping, and someone says your name
and you hear them saying it in your drea and it feels liks you're awake but you're sleeping.

A good day always starts with a proper confusion!

Although my day started with a proper sickness.
I woke up and felt so sick. I blame Michaela if I catch something really bad.
But anyway, I went back to bed and hoped that it would pass.
And then when I woke up a second time I felt like I'm starting to catch some of my moms violent cold.
It'll be a pain if I miss the second... National test...? I don't know what it's called in english, really.
But anyway, if I do miss it... I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

But I'll hope that I get better soon, and not worse.
Because on friday I'm going to the movies in Kista to watch Star wars - Episode 1: The Phantom Menace 3D
And there will be 13 people attending, so I'm sure it'll be a blast!
(despite the fact that I'm not sure if I know the people who are attending lol)

You'll get an old picture because I'm a bit.. out of balance since I'm sick.
Well, it's time for me to head back to Skyrim and become and OP mage.

I felt like it was time for a change.

Hey guize. Melz is back!
As said we've had some issues with the blog, but you already know about all that.

And while the blog has been down I've myself made some halfdramatic changes.
Or... yeah... it feels dramatic to me atleast.

I've been planning to cut and dye my hair for quite some time.
It was too much work too keep my hair turqouise and it damaged it alot as well so I decided to either dye it blonde, brown, dark red or black. Just a colour that doesn't need to be re-dyed like once a month. And I wanted to cut my hair so that I have my fringe back and cut it shorter - ending just below my collarbone.
And here is the result.

It was definetly a way bigger change than I expected and had planned.
I kinda like the colour and how my hair looks.
But I must admit I got a bit sad when I got to see how short she had cut it.
I clearly told her that I did not want it to be too short, and that I wanted it to end below my collarbone.
But I guess (and hope) that she just did it to get away all the damage that I had done to my hair.

But I'm getting used to it and am almost starting to take quite a liking to it.
But I still feel like it's a bit too short, which I don't feel comfortable with.

Sa Giang

My mother is so sweet!

She made Sa Giang,  and people whom I know,
knows that I adore it. It's the first thing I eat in asian resturants
if they sell it /serve it, for example Saigon in Örebro.
It's like chips / crackers, but you frie it and it's like... shrimp-chips? D:...
I don't know how to explain it but it's dellicious!.
I'm off to study, which I must. Then, after that I really really really
need to get some sleep, since I've slept so bad recently..
I hope you all had a great day, I've had cold hands all day and just been
slow and tired ... x.x
Started with that I woke up way to early and I went to school
half hour earlier then I had to, which did pretty much ruin my whole day,
cause I though I started earlier haha!.

Well Well, hugs and kisses cutiepies!♥

Back on track!

Hi cutiepies!

Lately me and Melz have been experiencing some issues with the blog,
we got some domain problems, therefor the blog wont be named,
you will instead need to go in to to reach this site.
I will try to fix it, please don't be hard on me I barley know what I am doing anyway haha!.
(It's the same fact with but you need to go in to

Todays weather is really nice, and I'm not outside...
Because it's still minus outside, but it's light and wonderful, finally!.

I've been missing the summer alot, that's the time of the year
I feel the best!. And in 3 days, I'll turn 18, I'll be a woman!.
(or what ever I am supposed to call it).
My mother thinks my whole life depends on this date.. But I'm still
a kids, and she doesn't let me do what ever I want anyway.. so it doesn't matter that
much.. But I'm still really excited!

Goals to make my 18 look.. yeah 18!

- Get a tattoo [Money Issue]
- Get ID [Hey ... wait a bit... yes I don't have an ID card]
-Time to get a job outside school.. ho-ho..
-Time to try to get a driver license... :]
-Get a passport!.

I'm happy! almost 18!, time pass by so fast, when it runs away like this,
in no time I will have a job and move out (I wish!)

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